Discover Your Authentic Self

以前的 art and studio experience is helpful but not required, as instruction at Oxbow supports emerging talents in a nurturing but rigorous environment. Oxbow的工作室艺术课程提供了一系列兼而有之的选修课程(见下文) 核心课程.

访问艺术家驻地和工作坊让学生参与个人和合作的工作, 主要的研究项目允许学生设计自己选择的创意项目,并有可能整合不同的媒体和艺术制作策略. Over the course of the semester, 学生培养批判的眼光和个人的声音,并获得当代艺术问题的工作知识. Students learn to manage their time, understand their creative 过程, and expand their aesthetic thinking while growing as a community of artists. 学生将获得两个荣誉工作室艺术学分,而在牛轭学校除了他们的学术学分.

在u型, 鼓励学生在自己选择的媒介中工作,并尝试新的媒介. Students have most commonly pursued the following mediums:

























绘画工作室配备了学生在绘画方面雄心勃勃的项目所需的所有用品, 绘画, 和混合媒体拼贴. 学生们用木炭、水彩、墨水、水粉、丙烯酸、油和许多其他材料工作. 鼓励学生将传统技术与实验方法结合起来. They experiment with abstraction, representation, and everything in between.

摄影 & 新媒体

新媒体工作室配备了静态和动态图像制作的工具和技术, 动画, 和设计. The 新媒体 computer lab houses iMacs equipped with Adobe Creative Suite, 还有照片扫描仪, monochrome and color laser printers, 还有一台大幅面打印机. 还有一个设备齐全的黑白暗室,用于胶片处理和替代处理. 鼓励学生使用技术作为辅助实现他们的创作和艺术目标. Please visit our YouTube page to see 视频/电影 工作和 动画 工作.


雕塑工作室拥有学生在三维空间中工作所需的所有设备,包括木工车间, 金属加工设备, 粘土和石膏工具, 还有缝纫机. 鼓励学生在新的和实验性媒体中工作,并使用许多不同的技术和过程来最好地传达他们的想法.


版画工作室是一个专业级的凹版设施,配备了印刷机和所有必要的工具和材料. Students may also be supported in learning other techniques such as monotypes, 凸版印刷, 和著作. 学生新的版画是支持在许多技术强调的多功能性和探索感到授权在工作室.


Plein Air Watercolor Landscape. Armed with brushes and watercolors, students travel to scenic spots in and around Napa to delve into landscape 绘画. Students study contemporary landscape artists, embracing nontraditional techniques and approaches to 绘画. 这是一个很好的机会来探索北加州周围的自然环境,并实验水彩技术,因为我们从周围美丽的风景的光和颜色中观察和收集灵感.

动画. This course touches upon a breadth of 动画 techniques. Tutorials are led in hand-drawn 动画, 定格动画, 气速管动画, 数字动画, 和3D电脑动画. Through short film screenings, students learn about the history of 动画 and contemporary artists in the genre. After an introduction to various 动画 techniques, 学生专注于一种动画技术或结合技术来制作一个短动画.

Experimental Media / Introduction to 虚拟现实. 这门高级课程扩展了新媒体课程中探索的主题和技术. 通过视频放映, students explore how contemporary artists experiment with emerging technologies, 网络空间, 虚拟现实, 穿戴, 数字表现. Students utilize green screen technology, 3D动画技术, 360度照片和视频, 虚拟现实, 表演, and other mediums of their choice to create a media-related project. This course encourages experimentation with materials and mediums.

Performance / Participation / Social Practice. 本课程深入研究行为艺术,关系艺术和社会参与艺术领域. Through performative experiments, 运动的活动, 还有简短的提示, 学生获得即兴创作和设计技巧的曲目,以产生自己的表演和互动体验. 另外, 学生们与一位牛弓厨师合作,通过课堂上讨论的艺术家的作品与社会实践相交叉,创造出一种互动的用餐体验, 食物, 仪式, 和艺术.

叙事与人物. This class combines figure drawing, comics, and storytelling. 图形绘制部分的课程集中在生活画从模型作为学生的工作,以准确地描绘人体解剖,特别注重手势和比例. 每个人物绘画类开始与一系列快速热身和工作到更持续的姿势,包括全身和头部. Students 工作 on drawings that portray a range of movements, and translate those skills to sequential narratives, including comics and hand-drawn 动画s. The same 过程 of observation and gesture drawing guides the 过程 which, 在其后期阶段, emerges as an exercise in storytelling.

纺织品. 本课程深入研究织物印刷的手工建立图案与邮票,以及发展“重复”模式. The class combines drawing, color, pattern, and concept. Students consider organic vs. geometric form, positive and negative space, dimensionality vs. flatness, and the role that scale plays in pattern. Students develop and print multiple designs on fabric. As concepts 和设计s are developed, 学生们考虑手工设计纺织品的文化和演变,并探索风景, 工件, 纹理, and palettes that inform who we are.

著作. This course leads students through a variety of bookmaking techniques. 学生们学习制作科普特、鼓叶和装订书籍的基本技巧. While the 工作 mostly focuses on creating blank journals and sketchbooks, 最后的项目包括一个合作的手工装订的“艺术家书”,展示了每个人在课程中所做的艺术品.

油画肖像. Learn to oil paint or hone oil 绘画 techniques. Students learn to stretch and gesso a 24” X 24" canvas to create a portrait, either from a photograph of their own choosing or paint a self-portrait from life. To inform and inspire the 绘画, students study diverse examples of oil 绘画s from art history and contemporary art.

造纸. Follow the paper-making 过程 from bark to paper! Students explore the life cycle of everyday materials. Students cook down fiber and 过程 it by hand to make sheets of paper. 然后, 他们将材料嵌入纸中,并通过纤维拖动雕塑对象,从而制作艺术品. 这包括学习制作造纸工具,并根据需要修改它们以进行实验.

铜板蚀刻. 蚀刻课程的学生有机会学习凹版版画的各种技术, 如:干点油, hardground, softground, 铜版画, 和chine-colle. Students 工作 in collaboration to choose which techniques they want to learn. There are opportunities for both individual and collaborative 工作. Group walks and on-site drawing occur throughout the course.

暗房摄影. In the darkroom photography elective, students become acclimated with film and the basics of analog photography. Working with 35mm black and white film, 学生会开枪, 过程, and print or digitally scan their final product. Once they master the basics of 工作ing in the darkroom, students will have the opportunity to 工作 in 120mm or other light sensitive materials. Alternative 过程 工作shops are available on a semester-to-semester basis, and often incorporate other techniques, such as cyanotypes or solar printing. This elective is an intensive study of light, 作文, 和实验,并为学生提供个人工作和小组合作的机会.

For more examples of the scope and breadth of student 工作 please visit the 最终项目图库.